If you have not joined yet, today is the last day to join at the discounted rate and start on time with us!! It's not too late :) :) If you're an email subscriber, you can check your emails for a discount code or you can use code blogreader15 for $15 off! The workout schedules for the next 8 weeks are going to be based on Fitter since that is what I will be doing, but I don't want to leave anyone hanging so I'll still share some workouts here that I'll just pull from older posts OR you can always go search through my old workout schedule posts under the "fitness" tab to find something :)Read More
Friday Finds
I am finally getting time to kick off this new blog series that I have been wanting to do: Friday Finds! I basically just want to take time each week to share my favorite finds either styles I love, fitness stuff, or home decor. Maybe some sales if I know they are going on, but the intent really here is I hope to share stuff that is a great deal regardless of it being on sale or not! I do love finding a bargain so I will do my best to find & share those with ya. Read More
Weekly Workout Schedule + Big Announcement!!
Hey loves! I hope y'all had a great weekend. I'm still just beaming with so much pride over the fact that over 500 (!!!) women participated in the 7 Day Challenge last week. I mean, just amazing. My heart is so full! If you missed it, not to worry...I have something coming that you can still get in on and join this incredible momentum of living a healthy lifestyle, getting in your workouts, but not spending your entire life thinking about what you're going to eat or working out for hours. My goal is to simplify fitness, and give you practical, easy tips and tricks to implement into your life so that you can make this your long-term lifestyle.Read More
Front Porch Fall Decor & An Easy Pumpkin DIY
Popping in to share some snaps of my current fall front porch situation. I LOVE decorating for fall and I'm also a big fan of a neutral look in general (for Christmas I usually like the whites, golds, & silvers) so I wanted to put together a little front porch set up that was also more neutral but still felt like autumn.Read More
Weekly Workout Schedule: FREE 7 DAY FITNESS CHALLENGE!
Hey loves! You may have seen it on Instagram or Facebook, but this week I'm hosting a free 7-day at-home workout & fitness challenge!! Each day I will be sending out brand new, free printable workouts straight to your inbox so you know exactly what workouts to do. You can find the schedule below, but to grab the workouts, click here to join and I will send it right to your inbox :) That's why I'm putting this post up a day early...because I want you to have time to get in there and sign up!! If you have any trouble with it, shoot me an email and I'll help ya out of course :)Read More
7-Day Fitness Challenge: What You Need + What to Expect
Next week, Sunday, October 14th to be exact, we are kicking off the 7-day at-home fitness/workout challenge! I wanted to answer a few questions that I've gotten about what you need for the challenge, and what you can expect for those 7 days.Read More