Sharing a few affordable spring style pieces from Shein all under $15!
Read MoreWeekly Workout Schedule + Walking Challenge
Hey friends. I've got a new workout schedule comin' up for ya and also a little walking challenge! I keep telling myself I'll take a break during the day and go out for a walk, even if for 15 minutes, but I've still not been doing it. So I'm putting it out there as a little mini-challenge this week for myself, and for you too if you'd like to join in! Read More
Charcoal Mask Review (& giveaway!)
Hey loves & happy Friday! I love posting fun things on Fridays because it just feels like an extra little celebration for the weekend ;) Anyways, I have been wanting to share one of my all-time favorite products with you for a while and I'm finally getting around to it!Read More
Fiber Filled Blueberry Protein Pancakes
These fiber filled blueberry protein pancakes are some of my favorites to make, and they're so easy! You can make a bunch of smaller ones like I did in these pictures (they're about 4-5 inches in diameter, so not TOO small!) or a couple big ones!! This batch was actually half and half. Read More
The Legs for Days Workout
Happy Workout Wednesday! I love to train legs. They are my favorite for sure. They're just such big, strong muscles and the stronger they are, the more calories you burn while at rest!Read More
Accepting Yourself, Showing Up, and Self-Love
Today I just wanted to write a short note about the importance of accepting yourself and loving yourself exactly where you are right now. The failures, the short-comings, the things the need work, along with the strengths, the positives, and the successes! Sometimes you just need an unsolicited reminder.Read More