If there's one thing you all probably know about me by now, it's that I love a good casual outfit. Comfortable, cute, and casual are the words I'd use to describe my perfect look and one that makes me feel most like my true authentic self. What do I mean by authentic? Something that comes effortlessly and just feels right. I love getting dressed up for special events as much as the next girl, but day to day, casual is my jam. If you can add that the styles are also on trend, great quality, versatile AND affordable...well then that right there is a grand slam, my friends. Today I'm sharing three different outfits that showcase my authentic spring style with Walmart.Read More
Core Burn Workout
Nothing like a good core and abs workout, am I right? I will be honest I do kind of miss traditional core work while I'm preggo but it won't stop me from giving y'all some good workouts in the meantime! So here's your Core Burn Workout!Read More
Answering Your Nutrition Questions with Registered Dietitian Emily Walker
A few weeks ago on Instagram I asked y'all to submit any nutrition-related questions to me so I could be sure to include them for today's guest, my friend and Registered Dietitian, Emily Walker! We cover a variety of nutrition questions including how many meals you should eat a day, how to gain weight or lose weight in a healthy way, chat about what's with the hype around the celery juice "trend" and more!! Emily has such a practical and relatable approach to nutrition so I'm excited for her to share her expertise with us today.Read More
Bella Tunno 7-in-1 Backpack Diaper Bag Review
It's really fun (and slightly overwhelming at times!) to think about all the new things you need to get for baby's arrival. One of the things I was really excited about getting was a diaper bag! There are so many cute and functional options out there today, but I hit the jackpot with the Bella Tunno 7-in-1 Backpack Diaper Bag (check it out here!). I knew I wanted a bag that was stylish and didn't *look* like a traditional diaper bag, but I definitely wanted it to be roomy for lots of storage. I was also struggling trying to decide between a tote bag option and a backpack, knowing there would be time's I'd probably like to have both.Read More
Weekly Workout Schedule
Sharing this week's weekly workout schedule with links to printable workouts and circuits/cardio for ya each day!Read More
Highlight’s from Our Star-Themed Baby Shower
I wanted to share this last week but my blog was having technical difficulties!! So today, albeit a little late, I wanted to share a few pictures from Emma's star-themed baby shower that Craig's mom hosted for us! Everything was SO cute and I just wish I had been better about taking pictures. I even failed to get one with the hostess! Fail on my part. I'll try to make up for it at the next one :)Read More