I finally caved and bought maternity shorts...and I'm so glad I did! These maternity jean shorts are so comfortable and pretty flattering in my opinion.Read More
Weekly Workout Schedule + Crop Hoodie
You saw most of this outfit in last week's post, but this week I'm adding a new piece to it that I'm really digging. This crop hoodie! I love matching it with the leggings. I wear it with a tank underneath right now while pregnant so I don't have a peekaboo belly button, but generally the high waist would go up underneath the hoodie just fine!Read More
Hair Food & Hair Care with Publix
You may remember me mentioning that before I got pregnant and after I went off of birth control, I was really struggling with my hair and finding something that was gentle enough for it because I was experiencing hair loss from the hormonal changes going on in my body. I've tried so many different shampoos and conditioners trying to find the right thing that made me feel like my hair's texture was soft and that the ingredients I was using were good for my hair as well.Read More
How to Build Self Love
If you're a Strong is She podcast listener, then you likely heard most of this message about How to Build Self Love last week on the show in episode 10. But since not everyone listens to podcasts, I wanted to share it in full blog post form too. I'm essentially sharing the podcast transcript, so my apologies if it's kind of long, but I think the message is important and the tips are hopefully helpful! Read More
No Crunches Core Workout
Some people love to train abs, and some people hate it. Which boat are you in? I personally really love it but also, if you're doing your workouts properly, your core is engaged and helping you all the time!! So you don't always have to do crunches to get defined abs. One of my favorite moves for this is a burpee (so that would be a great finisher move to add to this workout!!) Here’s the No Crunches Core Workout for today! Read More
Amazon Finds: Volume 1
Hey loves! Hope you had a great weekend. If you follow me on Instagram you've likely seen a few of these pieces already, but I wanted to compile them all into a blog post so you can reference them! These are some of my recent Amazon Finds. I plan to continue to share more finds on here periodically as well so be sure to check back :)
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