Now that I'm in my 38th week of pregnancy (as I write this at least!), I figured now would be a great time to share what my must-haves are from the past 9 months. These are things from personal care items, to clothing, to books, etc. I hope you find it helpful!Read More
Weekly Workout Schedule
Fresh week of workouts for ya below! Next week I'm sharing some of my pregnancy must haves, and these workout leggings are definitely on the list... so consider this your sneak peek ;) FYI- I love these sneakers. I have been wearing them mostly for casual wear/athleisure and they're so comfy. I really love the gray color and how they have the tan bottoms and detail, which I think make them look more lifestyle appropriate than just an athletic shoe.Read More
July 4th Circuit Workout
Happy almost Independence Day!! Today I have a fun little July 4th circuit workout. Try it tomorrow before the festivities begin!! And remember to rehydrate with water before all the other beverages come into the party 🙂 Complete 3-5x through. Read More
How to Strategically Set Goals (for your career, fitness, or life) & Accomplish Them
I have been thinking a lot on the topic of goal setting and today’s episode is going to be about how to strategically set goals (and when I say strategic by that I mean strategic to what is important to YOU and your life and in the most direct way possible)…whether they be goals for your career, maybe your health & fitness journey, just your life in general or maybe even something else. Whatever it may be…and then how to accomplish those goals.Read More
Weekly Workout Schedule + In Case You Missed It
Happy Sunday, loves! I am a little late getting this post apologies! I thought I had pre-scheduled one to go up like I normally do but apparently I did not. OOPS. But it's still up on the normal day so hopefully it wasn't too much of an inconvenience :) Below is the workout schedule for all you ladies who aren't preggo...and if you ARE, did you see my announcement? In case you missed it, my Pregnancy Fitness Guide is now available!! I'm so excited to share the workouts I've been doing to train for a strong pregnancy, labor, and motherhood. Read More
Healthy Habits for Your Gut
You likely already know that I am a person that loves to eat real, healthy foods most of the time (with routine treats of course!) and I feel best when I do this. Admittedly, one thing I feel like I sort of overlooked in the past was my gut health. I know by eating lots of fruits and veggies, I should be getting lots of fiber and vitamins & minerals, but when my doctor asked me if I had ever taken a prebiotic or a probiotic, I said no. I eat things like yogurt and kombucha that of course have healthy probiotics in them, but didn't feel like I had them routinely enough.Read More