The Besst Workouts January 2022 Workout Challenge kicks off on Monday, January 3rd and will be four weeks of sweaty, fun, efficient, & effective workouts. Both the High Intensity and Low Intensity programs will be included in the challenge. If you’re already an app subscriber, you don’t have to do anything to join…the workouts will show up in your calendar as usual! If you aren’t a subscriber yet but you want to join, you have two options for doing so:
- You can become a subscriber here (monthly or annual plans available)
- You can purchase the standalone program and just get the 4 weeks of the January 2022 challenge, without the ongoing membership. If you choose this option, it is a lifetime purchase so you can always go back and do the workouts from the challenge anytime. (PLEASE NOTE: PURCHASES FOR THIS STANDALONE PROGRAM HAVE ENDED)
My workouts are designed with intention, not just for the January Challenge, but to continue on for months and years on end…making it a lifestyle. You can do the January Challenge as a one-time thing, but once you see how these workouts build on each other so you’re always improving, you can of course decide to continue on the app after the challenge is over.

The high intensity and low intensity programs are both included in the January Challenge, both for app subscribers and the standalone program. You can choose to follow one program exclusively, or you can mix & match between the two to best suit what you’re feeling up to that day!
I know a lot of New Year’s workout programs roll out in January, promising weight loss, incredible physical transformations, etc. and while those things may happen with consistency & commitment, what I hope you will focus on during the challenge is loving and appreciating your body. Not trying to burn thousands of calories and beating yourself down to lose a pound or two, but instead focusing on enjoying the challenge itself, doing hard workouts and feeling PROUD of yourself, getting stronger and stronger each day. I hope 2022 is the year you come to love and appreciate your body exactly where it is, and for everything it does for you…not how it looks compared to some societal expectation. Who you are on the inside is the most important thing, and I hope you’re able to do these workouts and feel a sense of accomplishment after each one, knowing you’re taking care of yourself so that the best possible you can show up to give back to the world.
You showing up and participating in the January Challenge will create an undeniable momentum for you to carry into 2022 with your head high and your shoulders back. Something I take pride in is that many of my clients express that these workouts have made them happier and more confident in themselves. I experienced this first hand as well. Showing up for yourself each day will build your strength both inside and out. The changes will be both visible and invisible.
All you really need is a pair of dumbbells, but if you have resistance bands that would be an added bonus because lots of moves will have a resistance band option to take it to the next level! Click here for my custom 5-piece resistance band set.
If you’re new, upon signing up you will be sent an email with an informational packet for the Besst Workouts App as well as a guidebook for using the app for the standalone program. You can always message me via the app if you need help!
Grab a friend and do the challenge together! We kick off Monday, January 3rd!!
Ready for a challenge