We all know that 2020 was a year unlike anything any of us had ever seen. It was hard and different, sad and frustrating. It was also still full of moments of joy, growth, and learning. I am not one to harp on the difficulties of the past; I much prefer to move forward and find silver linings. Admittedly, that is my defense mechanism for when things get tough. Shifting my perspective is my go-to strategy when things get hard. I learned many lessons in 2020, as I’m sure you did as well. I want to share a few with you today that I’m using to propel towards a better 2021!
Lessons from 2020
Do Not Crumble on Things Out of Your Control
AKA, let that sh*t go. I felt like 2020 was the year of the entire universe just being like “NOPE”. Everyone’s visions and plans and expectations were squashed in what felt like an instant. It was very easy to feel like nothing was in our control…but perhaps that is the lesson: to focus on what we can control and do the very best with that…primarily the way we react to situations. I launched two new businesses in 2020 and I will admit as an enneagram 3 and a Capricorn, I do not love when things don’t go as I’ve planned them. And when they don’t, I can quickly become overrun with anxiety and stress. But 2020 told me very firmly to take a backseat. To practice not allowing myself to crumble from the unknown. It was a mental exercise that I felt lasted the entire year, but one I think going forward has better prepared me to handle situations when I might not be in control.
Staying Strong
AKA, just do the best you can. All we can really hope to ask for from ourselves is that we keep going and do our best with whatever we are facing. Showing up, doing the work, and patting ourselves on the back for that effort is something we should put into practice every day. That builds a personal momentum of strength…of knowing you can rely on yourself. Making it through 2020 was a feat of strength in itself, so if you’re reading this…you did it. We got this.
Giving Massive Amounts of Grace
AKA, it’s all good. I think we all liked to believe we showed ourselves grace in the past when maybe we haven’t achieved an outcome we wanted…but boy did 2020 tell us that we needed to show A LOT MORE. I think this is a good thing. We need to learn to be more gentle with ourselves and in turn with others. That gentleness becomes kindness, and if the universe was SCREAMING anything in 2020 it’s that we really need a lot more of that. Like a lot. A lot a lot. We must not forget this going into 2021 and future years.
Patience & Acceptance
AKA, waiting for what’s right. Because if it’s supposed to happen, it will. I am a big believer in timing and that when things are supposed to happen, they will at the right time. As humans we so badly want to force things to happen on our timeline…however we should not forget who is really in charge of all that: God. Everything will happen according to His will, and when we can understand, accept, and be grateful for that…things are easier. What an incredible burden to be lifted off of our shoulders! What an incredible gift to know that God is taking care of everything. What do we have to doubt?! When all else fails, remembering this is the answer to all…and one that kept me going on many a day last year! If there is only one lessons to cling to from 2020, let that be it.
What lessons did you learn in 2020?
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