One thing that I used to be really good about doing on a daily basis that definitely took a hit in 2020 was my daily devotional habit. I always used to start my days like that, and to be honest I do think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m really a very routine-oriented person and I like to read these in the morning first thing or really not at all. I know that’s not the right mindset because I need to do it anytime. I just like to start my day with it!
I think the big thing that changed was just the fact that Emma now gets a “real” breakfast so we are usually making her breakfast or playing with her and it’s just not as, well, quiet in the mornings anymore, lol. So lately I have been trying to wake up early most days of the week and do it first thing, but I’m committing to myself that even if I have to do it right before bed, it will happen. In 2021 I am going to make sure I get back on this being an every day thing and not so inconsistent as it has been lately.
You can read this previous post about the devotionals and Bible studies I’ve done for years…I continue to read She Reads Truth every day but felt like it was time for some new devotionals. I wanted to share those with you today in case you were looking for some, too!
New Devotionals for 2021
I got this one because it’s a similar lay out to the “Jesus Calling” one that I love, and that it’s pretty to look at 😉 I decided on the leather bound version because you know I appreciate an aesthetically pleasing book/notebook/journal. It also has the gold edging of the paper…okay you get it, it’s pretty. It also has some space for notes if you want to write some. Another thing is that the days are not by date like they are in Jesus Calling, it just says “Day 1”, “Day 2”, etc. so you can start anytime…but 1/1 seems as good a time as any! The devotions are just one pagers so they are short and it’s a great place to start if you’re wanting to incorporate devotionals and time with God into your day!
Grace for Today Mini Devotions
I got this one to be my little travel companion…I know we didn’t go much of anywhere in 2020 but here’s hoping having a pocket devotional will come in handy in 2021. I’ve actually started on this one and I’m enjoying it. Again it’s short, one page devotions…even shorter than the “My Quiet Time” one. It’s under $5 so I think it’s a must regardless because you can easily tack it on to your other readings for the day!
Trustworthy: Overcoming Our Greatest Struggles to Trust God
So this one is more of a true Bible Study than just a devotional. I’ve read a couple of Lysa Terkeurst’s other books and have enjoyed them, and I’ve heard good things about this study. If you struggle with trusting God, which I’m sure we all do at one time or another, this might be a great option for you! I feel like I am always open to strengthening my faithfulness and trust because I know I can always do better. “When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan we assume our life should follow, we’re more likely to want to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try.” It’s a 6-session study of 1 & 2 Kings where you “join Lysa TerKeurst in Israel as she honestly reveals the places of distrust in her own heart while exploring the deeply applicable Scriptures that will teach us how to truly trust God.”
So those are the ones I’m starting with! I will likely stick with the Quiet Time devotional each day as well as the daily She Reads Truth passage…then I will do the “Trustworthy” study as well. It seems like it’s a 6 week study, so that might be like a once a week type of thing. We will see once it gets here, it hasn’t been delivered yet 🙂 Let me know if you’re going to get any of these or if you have a good devotionals recommendation!
Thank you for sharing!! These all look fantastic. I’m going to be starting out with Grace looks amazing on you by Amy Seiffert. She has several plans on the Bible app that are great so I wanted to try her devotional.
Thank you for this recommendation!! I will check that out when I finish the Trustworthy study 🙂