Once I announced my pregnancy I had a ton of DMs on Instagram and emails from many of you that are currently also pregnant and asking me how I dealt with my nausea. For me, it wasn’t morning sickness, but all day sickness. Luckily I never threw up, but the nausea was persistent. I learned a few things along the way so I’m finally going to share my tips for easing morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy!

Don’t Let Yourself Get Hungry
This is probably the biggest one, for me at least. I learned the hard way that letting myself get even a little bit hungry was a bad idea. Sometimes that meant I was eating a little something every 30 minutes to an hour. Every day might be different, but just be sure to always keep little snacks in your purse and try to eat something as soon as you feel yourself getting hungry.
My theory with “morning sickness” is that it’s the time of the day that everyone wakes up hungry. You’ve just gone maybe 7-8 hours without eating and therefore your body needs food STAT. For some women, I assume once they eat breakfast their body may ease up on the morning sickness and it may go away for the rest of the day. For me I knew I had to eat right when I woke up, and then frequently the rest of the day to keep it at bay. You may only want to eat carbs, especially in your first trimester, but if you can get down some healthy fats and protein too, that may keep you full for longer. I think a great combo is a yogurt (I have been eating Siggi’s vanilla, which is high in protein), some fruit like blueberries and/or sliced banana, and a spoonful of peanut butter. But having anything on your stomach is better than nothing!
Lemon Ginger Tea
I bought this Morning Sickness Lemon Ginger tea from OatMama and it really helped! Ginger is known to help upset tummies of any kind, and I think just slowly sipping tea helps in general! The smell of lemon can also help alleviate nausea so it’s a great combination.

Lemon Drops
Okay, this might be the only time you see me recommending that you eat candy on a regular basis but this was one of the best tips I got from another mom. The Brach’s Lemon Drops candies have become a staple in my purse, especially earlier in the first trimester. They are a little sour at first, and then they turn sweet. Apparently there’s something about not just the lemon flavor & scent, but the sour & sweet aspect that tricks your taste buds and helps! I think it’s likely just a quick hit of sugar into your blood stream, but whatever the reason, they did help me. They are certainly great if you need something QUICK but are in a bind.
Warning: do NOT get the sugar free version. Or any sugar free candy ever, for that matter. It will give you a terrible stomach ache (and worse, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination!)
Minty Gum
This also helped me a lot! Another thing that is easy to carry in your purse. I found it didn’t help me as quickly as the lemon drops did, but still helpful to have.
I know this may not seem like it is connected to nausea but at least with pregnancy, I have found that it is. Exhaustion is another major pregnancy symptom and you need to listen to your body and rest as much as you can. You are growing a human, after all!! The more tired I became the more nauseated I became, and I noticed on days when I allowed myself to rest a little more I had less nausea. Just my experience but overall it will never hurt to let your body rest up! If you can take a nap sometime during they day, I highly recommend it. I’m lucky I work from home so I am able to, but possibly you could take your lunch break to get a power nap in the car?? Or even a little nap when you get home. You may have to get creative but if you can do it, I think it would help.
Stay Hydrated
I’m not sure that this necessarily directly helps with the nausea, but drinking water is so important all the time, especially when you are pregnant. Because of the fact drinking water helps with pretty much everything else your body does, I’m sure it helps with nausea too.
Have an Attitude of Gratitude
As much as being nauseated can really suck, it’s important to remember why you are feeling that way! For me, remembering that the nausea is just a reminder that my baby is growing helped me deal with it better. It will all be worth it in the end 🙂
What tips helped you deal with your morning sickness or nausea? Leave them in the comments below if you have others 🙂
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