Hi friends, happy Thursday!
Thank you so much to all of you that have subscribed to my email newsletter!! I’m so excited to be able to share more of my thoughts and ramblings with you over there. Because I want to make sure that no one missed last Sunday’s post about Monday Motivation & How to Crush your Week, I’m going to copy/paste it here below. Be sure to follow along for additional follow up by subscribing here!
(PS- I was notified yesterday that my contact page is being weird and if you’ve tried to send me an email through there, I have not gotten it. So if you emailed me and never heard back, that is why. Please send me an email to hello at bessharringtoncarter dot com if you need anything! SO SORRY!)
They say you learn things about yourself as you get older, you learn more about who you really are, what you thrive off of, what you’re passionate about, and what you want out of life. I’ve recently become obsessed with really honing in on what that is for me and what I’ve realized is that in that self-discovery, I’ve figured out a big part of what I am passionate about is helping others figure that out about themselves too. I can’t get enough with just focusing on my own gig, I love when people ask me for help and direction. So for all my creative, entrepreneurial spirits out there, I’m going to be creating stuff just for you. I am asked all the time about starting a blog, growing a following, social media marketing (which I have a professional background in as well), etc. So I decided to have just one place where I have resources and materials to help you. And even if you aren’t necessarily interested in blogging specifically, many of the tools I plan to share are really able to be applied across different avenues. Maybe you want to be an artist or a photographer, a writer, maybe you have an idea for an Etsy shop or another small business idea. I want to help because I think there is plenty of room for us all to be successful, and I believe in community over competition.
One of my all-time favorite sayings:
Alright, so if you’ve already gotten the email, then I apologize for reposting it again here, you don’t have to read it again 🙂 Just be sure to check your inboxes on Sunday for the next installment!
And if there’s anything special or specific any of you want to learn more about, please I invite you to leave me a comment! Even if its just a general topic or anything, I am open and here to serve you!
Email from 7/16: #MONSLAY: Motivated, Determined, & Ready to SLAY MONDAY (& the week!)
Happy Sunday, friend! I hope you are feeling rested after this weekend and ready to take on a new week. Let’s be honest, Mondays can be brutal sometimes but I think a simple shift in our perception about Mondays can make the biggest difference. Easier said than done, I know. I am guilty of getting the Sunday Blues, but I am going to really work on viewing Monday as a fresh opportunity to achieve new goals and work towards doing things that makes me happy. This is a wordy email but stick with me, I promise it’ll be worth it. Go grab another cup of coffee and let’s dig it. Also, grab a pen and paper…you’re gonna use it to start chasing your dreams!
I attended a speaker luncheon recently for work and the person giving the talk essentially said something along the lines of “emotions are not these involuntary things that happen to us. We make the decision to be happy, or to be sad, or to be angry. We are in control of our emotions.” And something about that really resonated with me, because so many mornings I will feel like there are so many things I’d rather be doing than going to work (not that I’m not grateful for my day job, I am!) because I’m tired, or I want to make a breakfast at home, or I want to follow my inner creative that is screaming to get out, or whatever the case may be. And I’ll let myself be grumpy and get into a bad mood. But if instead I decided that I wasn’t going to let those things get to me or ruin my mood, I would keep my happy mood and look for the positives in the day and ride those out. We have to, no we NEED to, decide our emotions and how we want to feel and the person we want to be. I believe our productivity, happiness, and heck even our sanity depends on it.
I was listening to a podcast a little while ago and this very topic came up so I was instantly intrigued. Essentially the person being interviewed explained that if we start out having a bad day, then our day just gets worse. On the flip side of this, if we start out with the day being, then it will only get better. Often, instead of us controlling how our day is going to go we wait for something external to tell us how it is going to go. She said, “People are living life by default (and) they are waiting for some stimulus in their lives to trigger and emotion; that frequency is what is going to create the rest of the attraction to them in that day.”
So basically what I’m getting at is that we have to put into practice being in charge of our attitude, our outlook, and what we want out of this life!
I have dreams and ideas and goals and I want to achieve them. I want to make them come true. They may not be the typical path people take to success but I’ve identified it as what I want to do and explore. They say “find something you love to do and you’ll never work a day in your life.”…well that saying rings true to me every single day. I’ve decided what I want…I’m making a plan and I’m working on it. And I’m working on it EVERY SINGLE DAY. What do you want out of life? What things make you happy? What is it, if you did it everyday, would be more of exploring your passion and turning that into a career? I want to help you explore this because it’s something that calls to me everyday. This is something I plan to continue to touch on and dive deeper into both on my blog and in this email. Do me a favor? Write down some ideas you have and things you want to achieve. What goals do you have? If you could have any career in the world what would it be? Write them down and hold on to those. I’ll come back to it soon. I truly believe that you and I…we’re going to get there and make it happen 🙂
Stay tuned! Until then…go CRUSH YOUR WEEK.
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